October 23, 2005

Let's Review Where We are Today

Last Saturday's election in Iraq apparently approved the Constitution. However, ABC News filmed one voter filling out seven "yes" ballots and putting them in the ballot box.

The Republican majority leader of the House, Tom Delay, who was reprimaned three times by the House for unethical conduct has been indicted twice;

The Republican majority of the Senate, Bill Frist, is under investigation for violating the terms of his supposedly blind trust by ordering that his stock be sold just a few days before it dived in value;

Bush has appointed a woman who has no qualifications other than thinking that he is the most brillienat person she ever met;

Bush's approval rating is at 39% or lower, the lowest of his presidency;

We keep borrowing in record amounts from China, Japan and South Korea in order to pay for Iraq and Katrina while Bush is sill intent on implementing further tax cuts for his rich cronies;

The stock market is in the toilet;

A prominent Bush lobbyist has been indicted;

The head of the Government Procurement Department. appointed by Bush, has been arrested for fraud;

Rove and "Scooter" are about to be indicted.

It has been revealed that there was a WHIG (White House Iraq Group) formed in Cheney's office early in 2002 to develope a strategy to sell the invasion of Iraq to the American people.

A right wing religious minister says that he was assured by Rove that Miers would vote the "right way" to overturn Rove v. Wade.

Mies stated in a questionaire that she was in favor of a Constitutional amendment to allow states to bar abortions and is passed, she would support a Texas law criminalizimg abortions.

Bush's answer to the possible bird flu is to call out the Marines. No Manhatten Project to develope a vaccine.

Here are the low approval ratings for the last seven Presidents:

Johnson: 35%
Nixon: 24%
Ford: 37%
Carter: 28%
Reagan: 35%
Bush I: 29%
Clinton: 37%

So I am not sure what RightLeft is telling us.

For more, take a look here.
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